Thursday 7 January 2016

OUGD502 Creative Report - Briefing (Studio Brief One)

Part 1: Your blog.

Collect, categorise and reflect on an research and creative references which documents your ongoing development as a graphic designer and your engagement with contemporary creative cultures via your PPP blog. Demonstrate a refined understanding of graphic design and creative industries particularly by researching and reflecting on the operating practices of local, national and international designers and studios. This research should then feed into the on-going assessment and development of your own practice.

Part 1: Creative Report.

Building on your continud familiarisation with the creative industries and prompted by the need for even more engagement with professional contacts, you are required to seek out an industry practitioner or practice who you will base a report on.

The completed report should utilise your skills as both a designer and a researcher and make use of material drawn from at least one personal interview with an appropriate spokesperson to then culminate in an insightful overview of a contemporary industry figure or organisation. This interview can be carried out in person, via the phone, Skype or email.

You should aim to subsequently develop a report that is engaging in terms of both its style and content. The completed report can be submitted as a digital or a print output, however it needs to communicate your subjects route into the industry and identify where their creative practice is currently situated.

On completion, a project evaluation of 500 words should also be posted to your PPP Blog.

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